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  • MyAssignmentHelpAu
  • 01 May 2020

Now that you have reached at the final stage of your academic career, you’ll get to know that there are even more exasperating tasks than meeting stringent assignment deadlines. One of those tasks is awaiting a response for the job interview you’ve recently appeared for. But what if the response is too late and now you’re impatient for hearing back from the authorities? It’s pretty simple, drop a follow-up email.

In the chase and quest to start your professional career with a bang, you’ll come to know how significant a follow-up is whether it is associated with a business proposal or related to a job interview. Formulating a persuasive and strong follow-up email is a complex process and you need to master the skills if you are desiring a rapid response from the recipient authority. 

This article will help you to get familiar with all the fundamentals you can follow for composing and sending a powerful follow-up email. 

Pointers to keep in mind while writing a follow-up email

Hang around for at least  3 business days before sending a follow-up email:

Although there is no universal rule which defines how long an individual should wait before rolling out a follow-up email, it is best suggested to wait for at least 3 business days if the recipient authority has not shared a specific date by which they would revert.

If a date was given, it is ideal to wait for at least one business day after the set date before directing your follow-up email to the recipients. For instance, if a party has been notified that he would receive a response by Tuesday the 12th,  he should wait until at least Wednesday the 13th to send the follow-up email. 

In the case of interviews, it is usually suggested to wait for at least 5 business days before rolling out an email to the management of the organization. 

If you are sending out a business follow-up, There is no need to count only the business days,  you can also include the weekends in holidays in your gap period. 

Always direct the follow-up email to the individual you’re in talks with:

This is an unstated rule when it comes to drafting personal emails and also serves as a perfect way to business or employment follow up emails. If the recipient has shared his contact details or asked you to follow up with them, make sure that you address the follow-up email only and only to that specific person. 

If the recipient has not shared any contact details or asked you to follow up with them you can address the email to the person who referred you to the one you are interacting with. However, in such cases, it is wise to include the name of the person you have dealt with previously in the subject line of the email. 

Do not shoot more than two follow-up emails when eager to know about the development of the conversation:

It is quite complicated to understand when to roll out a follow-up email and it becomes even more tricky if you have to send a follow-up to another follow-up email. If your first follow up email goes unnoticed by the recipient, ideally you should wait for around 1 to 2 business days before rolling out the second follow up email. If the second email also remains unreciprocated it is suggested to either stop following up or get in touch with some other person at the organization.

In such a scenario, an individual can compose a new follow-up message if he desires or can send the same email, as the first follow-up shared after the job application or the business proposal.  

You can incorporate a note, similar to the one mentioned below, at the top of your second follow up if you are using the same email:


I sent this follow-up on Monday, and I’m keen to hear the response on the interview conducted last Wednesday.



Revert exactly to the subject line of the original email:

If the subject line of your follow up email is unclear or inappropriate there are high chances that your follow up email will either go unnoticed or end up in the trash folder of the recipient. Therefore, it is important to ensure that you choose the right words or phrases for the subject line of your follow-up email. It should be precise and instantly recall your communication with the recipient. 

Do not be overconfident and assume that the recipient will identify your email address and open the email. Always make the most of the subject line to gain certain advantages. 

Refer to the recipient in the greeting and acknowledge them at the end of your follow-up email:

You can include an informal greeting in a personal follow up email and a more respectful and formal one while composing an interview or business follow up emails. Greetings should represent familiarity owing to your previous interaction with the recipient.

This is how the greeting of your follow up email will look like:

Dear John, or Dear Velma,

To showcase more formality, you can use:

Dear Mr. Brown, or Dear Dr Wanton

While closing your follow-up email, thank the recipient one last time and mention your full name as shown below.

Thank You,

Fiona Rodriguez

Keep it brief and crisp:

do not include more than three paragraphs in your follow up email.  each paragraph should be around two to three sentences long. While writing an interview follow up email or business follow up message, you should make it to the point and get there soon. 

This does not imply that you have to wrap everything in a rush and in a single sentence but it does highlight drafting an efficient email with any unnecessary content. It is recommended to form short and orderly paragraphs that follow the below-mentioned format

  • Greeting
  • 1st Para: A message showing gratitude with a clear statement that you’re following up.
  • 2nd Para: A quick summary with the details of your contact and a re-declaration of your interest.
  • 3rd Para: A statement stating that a prompt update would be cherished. 
  • Closing Gallantry

State all the facts that the recipient might require:

Maintain the convenience of the recipient by ensuring that he has to do the bare minimum while following up with you. There is a possibility that the recipient hasn't get back to you because he has been swamped with work. So, if they have to search through their records or files to locate your prior communication, then they might determine that it is not of much value to reply back to you now as well. 

If you appeared for a job interview, it is important to state the specific date and time, position title, and other essential details in the follow-up email to the organization.

For example, “I’m writing to follow-up on our interview conducted on Wednesday the 17th March in the morning.”

Be grateful and obvious from the very beginning of the email: 

Be courteous and clear from the start of your follow up email. There is no point in hiding the fact that you are reaching out to the recipient for following up in regard to a specific event. It is more rational to let the recipient know right away why you are reaching out to them and remember to convey your appreciation while writing the email.

For instance, you can try writing: Thank you for sparing some time to meet me last Tuesday. I am writing to follow up on that interview meeting and your feedback on my performance. 

Communicate to the recipient that you respect their time:

Using an appropriate subject line and right away getting to the point of your follow up email represents that you value the recipient’s time. It is also a smart idea to highlight once or twice in your email that you are grateful for the time they are committing to you. However, do not turn to fawning as it may not even be helpful but displaying honor always enhances your chances of receiving a quick response. Also, if an individual has been too occupied with work telling him that you know the worth of his time is a brilliant way to push him for a response.

A glimpse of a perfectly structured follow-up email

Subject line: Glad to know more about WordLab Infosystems Inc.

Dear Mr. Williams,

Thank you for finding some time to communicate with me about the position of content manager with WordLab Infosystems Inc. It was a pleasure to know more about the organization and its efforts to bring creative changes in the writing industry.

The details you gave me about the position convinced me that this is an opportunity I would not like to lose. I hope to make a valuable contribution with my skills and 4 years of experience as a content analyst. 

I was also thinking about what you said regarding the plunging engagement rate of your website. In my previous role as a content analyst, I have dealt with a similar issue and I believe I will be able to address this concern effectively.

Finally, you will find the details of some of my prior projects, about which we discussed, in this email. Please contact me at any time if you need any more details. I look forward to our meeting next week as discussed.

Thank you once again, Mr. Williams.

Best regards,

Richard West

Now that you’re familiar with the basics of drafting a follow-up email take a look at an example of the same so that you can compose your own effortlessly.

Final views

Sending a follow-up email is an excellent way to get a quick response that you’ve been keenly waiting for and if you develop expertise in elements associated with composing a follow-up email, your odds of receiving a rapid revert enhances to a huge extent. So, put these fundamentals to the test and draft a strong follow-up email on your own.

Are you still feeling perplexed about writing a rich follow-up email? We have got your back! 

Whether you’re eagerly looking for a response for an interview you’ve appeared for or a resume that you’ve shared, it is always a smart idea to send a follow-up email. However significant it may be, students might struggle to compose a strong email. If that’s the scenario, the My Assignment Help Au platform is a one-stop portal for you. Our experts put in the best of their efforts in developing an impressive follow-up email.

The writing services of our platform help a student in preparing an impactful resume before going for a job interview to follow up afterward. You can even check out the free follow-up email samples composed by our professional writers. Our service guarantees a hundred percent satisfactory results. Moreover, you can enjoy numerous value-added benefits by hiring our service such as:

  • Attractive offers and deals
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  • Use of advanced tools and software
  • Safe and sound payment option
  • Free SMS updates

So, what’s the delay? Avail our assistance today. 

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