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  • MyAssignmentHelpAu
  • 04 Apr 2018

Whenever the students are asked to write the assignments, they find writing the introduction the toughest part of the paper. The introduction is the first part or paragraph of your assignment and to make the assignment scoring and effective, it is necessary to write an engaging introduction. If you have to submit a college assignment, it is essential to write a convincing introduction so that you can clearly state the purpose of your paper.

Always remember that you have to convince your readers through the introduction so spend sufficient time in thinking how you will start writing your assignment. An effective introduction presents the meaning of the topic and denotes your particular focus in the paper. It gives an idea of the information that you are going to present in the paper.

Firstly keep in mind that the introduction paragraph describes the context of the paper and builds up the statement. It gives an idea how your paper is structured. You don’t have to write lengthy introductions; they should be brief and informative.

If you find that writing an introduction for the assignment is a daunting task then we have made your task easier. We are providing some valuable tips to write the introduction for an assignment.

Read Some Worthwhile Tips To Write A Catchy Introduction For An Assignment

  • Always write your introduction in a clear manner without confusing the readers. Mention only relevant details so that reader can understand the context. Don’t include an irrelevant piece of information to make the introductive broad. Stick to the topic while writing the introduction. If you include irrelevant information, the reader will lose interest and you won’t score the desired marks.
  • Don’t present all the arguments in the introductory paragraph. The arguments should be presented in the body of the assignment i.e. main paragraphs after introduction. The introduction should only contain identification of the topic and builds up the statement. It provides a background of the topic and brief detail of the context.
  • Opening the paragraph with an anecdote, story, question or illustrations invites the readers to create interest in your paper. But always keep in mind that the example or question you are mentioning in the paper is relevant. The opening example or question states the purpose of your arguments and therefore, it should be relevant to the topic.
  • Sometimes you face problems in deciding what information you have to mention in the introduction. If that happens, write the body paragraphs first in the form of notes; it will help you in deciding the key points that need to include in the introduction. After identifying the relevant information for your introduction, take help from the notes to decide which information is to be included in the introduction and then in body paragraphs. If you are thinking that the introduction is structured before writing the main paragraphs then it is not always true. Sometimes the body paragraphs and the conclusion give a better idea to start the introduction and help you include the main argument of the paper.
  • Make sure that the first sentence is meaningful and states the context in an impressive and engaging way. If the reader finds the first sentence senseless or irrelevant, they will not read your paper. As assignments are prepared to score higher grades and to enhance academic performance, it is necessary to write the first sentence interesting and thought-provoking.
  • You don’t have to write the explanations that are included in body paragraphs. An introduction is meant to provide the outline of the statements and presents the problem that is discussed in the paper. You can discuss the assumptions in the introduction so that readers come to know what arguments you are going to present in the body paragraphs. Make the introduction coherent and compact.
  • It is not necessary to write the introduction in one paragraph or page. It actually depends on the size of the paper. For example, if you are crafting an assignment of five pages, you have to write an introduction in one page while if you are writing an assignment in twenty pages, your introduction should cover two pages.
  • Always try to avoid clichés in the introduction. It is not always a good idea to start your paper with the definition or explanation of a particular term. You can introduce a term that is unfamiliar to the readers to engage them but it should be appropriate and related to the topic. Writing the definition of a term in the first line might seem boring to the reader and he/she may tune out. As you have read, introductions can be started with anecdotes and examples to make the paragraph appealing.

These are some of the useful methods to write the introduction for the assignment. Follow these tips and present your assignment with a structured and effective introduction. It is important to understand that how crucial an introduction is to the paper. Most of the students fail to score the desired result because they do not present the introduction as expected by the teachers. Creating an engaging introduction decides the quality of your paper and helps you in earning top grades.

If your teacher has asked you to write an assignment then follow the above-mentioned tips and make your assignment’s introduction scoring and appealing. However, if you find anything incomprehensible or writing the introduction on your own difficult, feel free to contact the experts of MyAssignmentHelpAu. We provide my assignment help service to the learners and help them in crafting the best quality assignments. Thousands of students have been benefitted by our my assignment help service and they all have scored the topmost grades. Contact us and get your academic queries resolved.

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