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  • MyAssignmentHelpAu
  • 26 Mar 2020

In schools and colleges, you have written many essays in your academic years. When you were writing your articles, you might hear for TEEL paragraphs. TEEL stands for Topic sentence, explanation, example & evidence, and linking. The TEEL paragraphs follow the logical and defined structure, which is helpful in representing the information in a well-organized and clear manner. If you are also one of them who want to make a TEEL paragraph for your essay, it is not so tough at all.

To make the TEEL paragraph correctly, you have to include a Topic Sentence, an explanation of the topic, evidence, and examples supporting the topic, and write up a few sentence links with the topic. To put all the information in context, one has to look forward to everything, which is related to the topic. If you could not able to write up the TEEL structure, then you can take help from the Assignment Help Australia service. The online assignment writing service will help you in making the TEEL paragraphs accordingly.

Now let us get started with the discussion of the TEEL paragraph to understand, how it is to be represented.


Learn the structure of the TEEL paragraph:

To write the TEEL paragraph, it is very important first to understand, the structure of the TEEL paragraph. When you come to know, the structure of the TEEL paragraph, then it will be easier for you to understand and represent the information in the form of the TEEL paragraph.

  • Initiate with the topic sentence

As TEEL's first letter "T" stands for the topic sentence. The title sentence is necessary, as it helps in addressing the main idea of the essay. You need to write up a topic sentence, which represents the point of view of the entire article. The main idea and the main arguments of the essay should be reflected in the topic sentence.  The sentence about the topic should also come in the first paragraph of the essay. There is variation in TEEL structure, such as PEEL. In TEEL paragraph, P stands for Point. That means, in the first, the student has to write up the main point of the article.

  • Explanation is important

The explanation is important for an essay to be written. In the essay, the writer has to elaborate on the topic so that the reader can understand the concept properly. If you want to make your essay effective, make sure you will add an explanation about the topic you want to explain. With the explanation, it will be easier for the reader to understand the topic appropriately. Make sure to do proper and appropriate research, so that you can mention a proper explanation for the topic. To make the explanation for the topic, keep a few things in mind, the explanation should let the reader understand the concept properly. Think, the explanation should be attractive enough with evidence and examples of the topic.

  • Write evidence and emotions

 To make the essay attractive and good, the writer needs to mention evidence and examples in it. With the help of evidence and examples of the topic, the essay will look good. But, make sure, the evidence and examples should be relevant. They should relate to the topic. The evidence and examples of the article will make the essay look incredible. In the TEEL paragraph, the second "E" stands for evidence & examples. The evidence and examples should be written in such a way so that they prove the statements you have mentioned about the topic above are true and fair enough.

  • Link the sentences to the main essay

Now, it is time for the discussion on the last letter “L” in TEEL paragraph. L means to mention the linking sentences to the topic. It is basically the final part of the essay, in which the writer or student has to mention that, how the above-mentioned details are linked with the main topic or concept. In this final paragraph, the student needs to write, how the demonstrated ideas are related to the main argument and discussion of the topic. Link the final part of the essay with the main idea of the topic. Even, in the final paragraph, you can write up the sentences, which can link up to the next topic as well.

  • Write formal language in the essay

To make the essay attractive, the person needs to write the essay in formal language. Formal language makes the reader to stick with the particular essay. Usually, the readers do not like casual language in the essay. They want to get the information directly without molding any sentence. So, it better is to restrict your essay to formal language rather than focusing on casual sentences.   

Closing Remarks

If you want to make the essay properly, then make sure to add TEEL paragraph in it. TEEL paragraph makes the essay look formal, and attracts as many possible readers to it. If you cannot write the essay with TEEL paragraph, but the teacher is asking for that; then you can buy assignments online. With the help of Essay Writing Services, one can make their essay look better and informative.  

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