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  • MyAssignmentHelpAu
  • 03 Aug 2020

Research is a considerable consideration in regards to a specific concern or a problem, with the help of scientific methods. In accordance to the verse of the popular sociologist, Research is referred to a systematic inquiry intended to explain, describe, predict, explain and control an observed phenomenon. It comprises both inductive as well as deductive methods.

It enables you to acquire informative data in a comparatively easy manner. As the knowledge already exists, however all you need to do is search a trustworthy source to access it. The research methods can be classified into several categories as per the nature and the purpose of the study conducted in addition to the attributes.

When students start with planning a research project, it gets mandatory to develop the questions and create a prospective research design. At this point, you also need to make varied decisions pertaining to the kind of research you want to perform.

There are several ways to categorize the types of research in regards to the words used for describing the research. It entirely depends on the field and the disciple.

However, the research design usually is shaped with the help of the following data

  • The kind of knowledge intended to produce
  • The kind of data that you wish to analyze and collect
  • The sampling methods, location of timescale of the research

Types of Research Methods based on the nature of the study

There are several types of research methods in accordance to the types of research can be distinguished in two distinctive groups, known as analytical and descriptive. An analytical research is completely different in a way where the research uses facts and information available while analyses to acquire a critical evaluation of a material.

The descriptive research comprises description regarding the state of present affairs. On the other hand, analytical research is distinct in a way in which the researcher makes use of information and facts available while analyzing it to create a critical evaluation.

Types of research methods on the basis of the purpose of study

The purpose of the study entails that the methods can be essentially distinguished into two distinct categories, namely applied research and fundamental research. The former research is preferably called as action research.

The latter method is also known as pure or basic research which aims to summarize the primary difference between applied research and fundamental research. In order to understand them better, you can acquire student assignment help.

Types of research methods on the basis of the research design

The research design entails the type of research methods which can be distinguished into two several groups, that includes exploratory and conclusive. The studies are aimed at exploring the research area and do not offer conclusive and final answers to the research question.

Types of research

Quantitative research

The quantitative research deals with the collection and conversion of data into numerical form in order to derive statistical calculation and conclusion.


Researchers are offered the liberty to choose one or more hypotheses. There are several questions that are required to address and include the prediction of the possible relationship between things they intend to investigate. To derive answers to the questions, it is mandatory for researchers to have significant instruments and materials that define a clear call of action.

The data is properly collected by a varied means and by following a stringent procedure while preparing statistical analysis. This is usually performed with the help of a comprehensive statistical computer package.

The analysis enables all researchers to analyze the manner in which there thrives a bond between two and more variables. It could be either a simple bond or the casual relationship. A statistical analysis helps researchers to explore a complex causal relationship while determining to the extent to which one single variable in influencing the other.

Individuals who do not share a familiarity with several scientific jargons, the discussion section stated at the end tends to describe the results garnered while explaining its implications in a detailed manner. If you are looking at acquiring Finance Assignment Help, do not delay, instead reach out to the professionals.

Qualitative research

Qualitative research, on the other hand, refers to an approach which deals with the recording, analysing and the aim to uncover the deeper significance of human experience and behaviour. This includes contradictory beliefs, emotions and behaviour. Researchers are highly interested to gain a complex and enriching understanding of the experiences.


The research adopts a distinctive approach, and is different as compared to the former one. This approach aims to be quite inductive and hence a theory can be developed to acquire a pattern of meaning depending on the collected data.

This refers to slowly moving right from the specific to the general, and is also referred to a bottom-up approach. The projects however are surrounded by a more deductive reasoning where the researchers do not depend on predetermined hypotheses. It clearly aims to rather identify and scrutinize an issue, a topic or a problem that they intend to explore.

The approach put forward to collecting data is quite methodological and allows an improved flexibility as compared to the quantitative research done. Data acquired in textural form is majorly based on the interaction and observation with the participants and thorough in-depth interviews, participant observation along with focus groups.

No longer is it converted to any numerical form while being analyzed in a statistical manner.

The collection might be carried out in a myriad of stages, instead of just one. The processes might be adapted in the mid way while addressing any additional issue which might not be appropriate on the learned material.

Some cases researchers might also need to observe and interview several individuals, while in other cases, the collection process might continue for as long as the researchers find any new emerging issue.

Generative vs exploratory research

This is a type of research where you completely know what you are up to. This research leads to several ideas that aim to define the issue. You require ideas for several features and the methods include interviews, to review an existing literature along with field observation. Get help with assignment to grab a higher understanding of research types.

Exploratory research, on the other hand, aims to explore the research question. It usually does not offer any final or conclusive solution and rather is performed to study a problem which does not have any solution.

This research is conducted to identify the nature of a problem, It is not performed to offer any conclusive evidence, instead it helps to understand the problem in a significant manner. Whenever a research performed exploratory research; the researcher must alter the direction in which new data is revealed.

The research does not offer any conclusive answer, instead explores the topic on more levels than one. By providing a basis of conclusive research, it helps to make a research design, through sampling a methodology and a method of data collection. Furthermore, it also tackles varied new issues on topics where no research has been performed.

Descriptive vs Analytical

Descriptive research comprises multiple surveys and inquiries of distinct kinds. The primary reason for carrying the research is to describe the present state of affairs. The researcher here does not have any such control on the variables, and can only report things as based on the occurrence.

Most of the research projects are primarily made for performing descriptive studies. Ex post facto studies usually count attempts by varied researchers for exploring causes, even when the variables are not in control. The methods used include survey methods of each and every kind. Moreover, it also comprises comparative and correlational methods. Seek the knowledge of the experts to help you perform Management Assignment Help.

Applied vs Fundamental

Applied research aims to find a solution for a problem persisting in the present as faced by society or an industry. On the other hand, fundamental research is typically concerned with the formulation of particular theory.

Fundamental research is typically involved with a natural phenomenon and deals with pure mathematics and also includes studies based on human behaviour.

However, applied research is completely based upon conclusions. It is to find the governing economic, political and social trends which have the ability to affect a specific institution and copy marketing.

Hence, the primary aim lies in finding a solution to several practical problems, the aim lies in finding information with a broad base of applications and is a bonus on the existing knowledge.

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You can get in touch with the experts offering experienced study help at an affordable price. Do not delay any longer, instead reach out to the professionals to help you understand the types of research papers and help you with one.

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