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Introduction. 3

Critical analysis. 4

  1. Linguistics across Cultures: The Impact of Culture on Second Language Learning (By Ming-Mu Kuo and Cheng-Chieh Lai) 4
  2. Teaching English Speaking Skills to the Arab Students in the Saudi School in Kuala Lumpur: Problems and Solutions (By Bandar Mohammad Saeed Al-Sobhi and Abdul Shakour Preece) 4
  3. Professional development for English language teachers: perspectives from higher education in Turkey. (By Simon Borg) 5

Synthesis of research findings. 6

Development of research question. 6

References. 7


Culture sets up a setting of psychology and the feeling of conduct for every individual. It impacts singular estimation and frames of mind, and can likewise affect reasonable parts of life. Culture and language are indivisible in light of the fact that culture not only manages who converses with whom, about what, and how the correspondence continues.

The reason for this examination was to explore the impact of social contrasts, for example diverse settings and foundations, on instructional material that is structured and utilized by ESL teachers in different regions particularly the Middle East region. We investigate the linguistic and instructive abilities that are required for an ESL educator for instance, an Arab ESL educator to students in schools. In light of the cultural and social foundations of children, educators, and experts of English who face a great deal of issues while instructing English to other multi-linguistic children in a school.

This research is led from my previous research on the role of educational research in which I discussed purposeful research which is not a static process but rather a dynamic one which evolves and requires partnerships between universities, education employers, the field of practice and the community with its concern in the development of social, cultural and people’s well-being. I recognized that different factors may influence the designing of instructional material, which include the background of educators, their knowledge capacity and the culture they associate with. Through observation, I am intrigued by how the culture of a native Arab English teacher can influence their instructional design and what should be done to aid their progress as educators.

Following from my previous research on the role of educational research, I developed my research question:

How do cultural considerations impact on challenges and opportunities in designing instructional material, and how does this support the professional development of native Arab ESL teachers?

I have scrutinized three journal articles to provide support for my research.

Critical analysis

1. Linguistics across Cultures: The Impact of Culture on Second Language Learning (By Ming-Mu Kuo and Cheng-Chieh Lai)

As indicated by the examination by Kuo and Lai, social learning encourages us to find that there are a large number methods for survey that can be used. Understanding the connection between social norms and etymology might assist us with developing guiding procedures as well as instructional methods for showing second dialects. They bring up that comprehending another culture happens to be an essential component in making the progress in second language (Kuo, 2007) or in our case, ESL acquisition. To be a second language or bilingual instructor, social recognition and cross cultural preparing is essential. On the off chance that kids are given social information, submerged in a socially rich condition, and presented within socially essential material, they may get familiar with the second language without much effort in light of the fact that their learning experience about the second-language culture will make understanding less troublesome. Social exercises ought to be cautiously sorted out and fused into second language classes with the intention to advance the content of the instruction setting. In their investigation, they examine certain systems that assist second language teachers in actualizing significant instructional material. This focuses is tranquilly significant to my exploration also.

 I trust that second language instructors or ESL teachers’ pay more considerations to the varieties of societies and distinguish key social aspects at different angles when they plan language educational modules, finally applying suitable instructing techniques to learning exercises so as to assist understudies with finding answers for gaps in society. With respect to my research, continuous and progressive development requires new ways and methods to cope with this learning gap. We need to incorporate various ways such as technology and cultural exchange programs that enable achieving suitable linguistic competencies.

2. Teaching English Speaking Skills to the Arab Students in the Saudi School in Kuala Lumpur: Problems and Solutions (By Bandar Mohammad Saeed Al-Sobhi and Abdul Shakour Preece)

Sobhi and Preece researched the basic issues that might have an impact on instructing English talking aptitudes of Arab students. The exploration demonstrates that there are various difficulties faced by ESL teachers in educating Arab students. There are five factors that need consideration and improvement whereupon we may achieve suitable instruction. These variables include absence of language presentation, absence of inspiration, learners’ nervousness and absence of certainty, restricted information of English and wasteful education approaches. The examination focuses on the investigation of information gathered by understudies’ interactions and classroom perception. The study also demonstrates the essential understanding of culture which is needed in effective communication by ESL instructors (Sobhi, 2018). Likewise, the meetings uncovered that the educators' general disappointment with current instructing circumstances was because of the understudies' low dimension of English that adversely impacted the instructor's execution and improvement. The instructors concurred that the learning conditions in the Arab countries might not enable the students to improve their talking capacity since English is just utilized in the classroom. For instance, the understudies' introduction to English was strikingly constrained in the sense that they predominately utilized their own local language, Arabic, when they conversed. The investigation demonstrated that most understudies' initial frame of mind towards communicating in English was certain. Unfortunately, this great demeanor slowly declined due to the fact that their talking ability was completely ignored.

I support the argument made by the research where exposure of students towards ESL depends on the student teacher interaction and inefficient teaching methodologies. Inevitably there will be discontinuities however, both the ESL instructor and learners need to adapt more socially applicable, open cooperation with adequate peer-scaffolding oral exercises. Consequently, instructional material should provide a reasonable system that offers a coherent structure of associated ideas that give a visual showcase of how different thoughts in a classroom setting identify with each other inside a hypothetical system.

3. Continuous Professional Development of English Language Teachers: Perception and Practices. (By AbdulRahman Al Asmari)

As Asmari mentions, professional development implies helping educators develop in their calling which is a constructivist viewpoint to learning. English language teaching (ELT) is a huge area because of the significance of English universally, and an English language instructor needs to keep refreshed with the progressions and advancement in their field. Proficient advancement is crucial as an essential component in instructors' improvement. CPD preparing contribute in a general sense to the improvement of English language educators, at pre-organization just as in-organization stages, and countless ESL specialists have experienced fulfilling CPD that is passed on by methods for sorted out data based courses and undertakings. An English language educator must oversee learning exercises viably and also have a decent arrangement of information as well as cognizance of numerous components and factors that control and administer the way toward learning and instructing in the classroom circumstance. The need to grow expertly as English language educators requires a functioning commitment in the learning procedure in which various advancement exercises for English language instructors have turned out to be convenient with the end goal of self-improvement. CPD coordinators and instructor should lead a cautious need examination before planning and actualizing proficient improvement programs for language educators. The need examination should concentrate on instructors' convictions about language educating, what they know, and what they might want to know. The discoveries uncovered that they saw CPD as a ceaseless need all through their professions in staying aware of evolving information, evolving understudies, and an evolving society.

This backs the contention that I introduced before that educational systems must expand educators' information of ELL guidance through broad professional development opportunities that length numerous years. As ESL educators of ELL understudies, they should comprehend the procedures of social development and adjustment. Diverse projects ought to be embraced with the end goal that the instructors profit by watching the classrooms of ace specialists for substance and scholarly language advancement. Groups of instructors can deconstruct the classroom practice, upheld by expert advancement pioneers and perception conventions.

Synthesis of research findings

In the event that we look at the researches of Lai and Sobhi, they both contend that significant trouble emerges in etymological contrasts, native language use and other obstructions. Students are not able to talk in English since they come up short on fundamental vocabulary and syntax structures. It very well may be said that bilingual understudy instructors in examination (with first dialects Arabic and Chinese) have preferences in their insight into English sentence structure, and furthermore through their rich language learning encounters that they can impart to students. In spite of the fact that ESL language instructors are not favored because of their language qualifications, absence of social comprehension, and cultural language in expert relationships, they have certain preferences. For instance, formation of sentence information, language learning knowledge and the ability to sympathize with students.  The research by Asmari imbibes certain aspects of the study by Lai and Sobhi. ESL instructors can relieve these issues by choosing powerful instructing devices that expand on learners grasping relevant language and gaining beneficial practice indicated by social contrasts. These instruments can incorporate address notes and gift bundles, class discussions, recorded pretends, role plays, live contextual investigations, trial learning, testing and online dialogues. According to Asmari, CPD is important to raise the nature of instructive models since educators need to proceed consistently by furnishing themselves with the information and aptitudes to improve their showing abilities and understudies' learning openings. Other than adapting to the change, an educator should be a model for his understudies as a deep rooted student, so he should display their devotion and eagerness towards ceaseless learning as their essential obligation is to make their understudies long lasting students.

Sobhi's research is based on empirical data collected by surveying and interviewing correlated with a statistical program to develop the relationship between culture and communication. As for Lai, it was mostly based on studies done by other researchers and integrating the main points of those searches in their article. The research by Asmari uncovers the discernments and practices of expert improvement in Saudi Arabia, an overview was directed at Taif University English Language Center. The example comprised of 121 English language instructors from different nations and having shifted instructive and scholastic encounters. The review included things applicable to learning approaches, idea of expert improvement, observations and criticism on CPD. This is in line with Sobhi's empirical research.

However, some of their mentioned arguments differ from each other in the sense that these differences arise from the cultural gaps but then again, technology has been an integral part of education from the very beginning which makes exchange of information quiet easy. Discoveries of the study introduced by Asmari uncovered that the CPD was basically seen as a learning movement, a test to think innovatively and fundamentally as a student and as an instructor, and taking in with and from their associates. They recognized that CPD gave them a testing change in their insight, aptitudes, mentalities, and convictions. This acts as a driving force of each country's economic and cultural growth.

Development of research question

While it is essential for ESL instructors to consistently endeavor to accomplish elevated amounts of composed oral proficiencies in English, they should likewise get comfortable with the appropriate talk and societies of the schools and networks in which they work. Paralleling the huge scale educator proficient advancement endeavors identified with the new educational modules, analysts tried to distinguish the elements identified with the triumphs and difficulties of such endeavors. Both the ESL educators and students were bolstered by innovation to extend and compose their reasoning and take part in a social learning network. Maybe the most ideal approach to exploit the accessible opportunities is through innovation intervened proficient learning and by incorporating e-learning into a fair proficient advancement program. This exploration brought about a restored regard for the information and convictions that educators convey to the act of instructing, and gave proof to test past expert advancement rehearses and recommend new ones which depends on calculated learning and separated through involvement, reflection, and use.

From the articles discussed, my initial research question can be reframed accordingly to the following:

"How does the professional development of ESL teachers help bring change in the cultural impact on educational institutions and their frameworks?"

As I have mentioned in my previous research paper, different factors may influence instructional material, which include the background of educators, their knowledge capacity and the culture they associate with. The change will be in effect when there is a development of ESL teachers with programs that benefit not only them but also the students that they teach. The test is discovering approaches to make an academic change in outlook, driving instructors from review learning as inactive to dynamic, and moving instructional methodologies from the pedantic conveyance of data to making a setting that we realize underpins mastery of language, including a functioning and social condition that advances change, exchange, and metacognition. The test for those of us worried about an ESL educator's professional development is to make an indistinguishable move in our reasoning about instructors in the same way we trust our educators will make about their students.


Al Asmari, A. (2016). Continuous Professional Development of English Language Teachers: Perception and Practices. Australian International Academic Centre, Australia. Doi:10.7575/aiac.alls.v.7n.3p.117. 7(3). Available at:

Al-Sobhi, B.M.S. & Preece, A.S. (2018). Teaching English Speaking Skills to the Arab Students in the Saudi School in Kuala Lumpur: Problems and Solutions. International Journal of Education & Literacy Studies. 6(1).1-11. ISSN: 2202-9478

Kuo, M-M. & Lai, C-C. (2007). Linguistics across Cultures: The Impact of Culture on Second Language Learning. Journal of Foreign Language Instruction. Available at:


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